A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (2024)

by Cara

Just when you thought Chinese food was off-limits, I give you Crispy Orange Cauliflower. Yes, you heard me correctly. What looks like chicken is actually cauliflower…

A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (1)

Proof as to why I am a better cook than baker. Cooking comes a lot more naturally for me–I am more at ease in finding my way around my spice rack than I ever am at baking a cake. There’s something so relaxing to meabout chopping up vegetables, mincing garlic and figuring out which flavors I am missing in my dish. You could say cooking is a way for me to put my thoughtsin a more clearer state of mind.

A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (2)

I do a lot of baking on Fork & Beans because I have always been afraid of it. Some of you might be asking yourselves why someone would spend so much time with their fears. Don’t ask me why, it’s just what I do. Though my baking fears have subsided througout the past year and a half when I first started, it still exhausts me at times. Emotionally and physically.

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    Crispy Orange Cauliflower

    Prep Time: 20 minutes

    Cook Time: 25 minutes

    Total Time: 45 minutes

    Yield: Serves 2


    • 1 small head of cauliflower, cut into small florets (or a package of pre-cut cauliflower)
    • For Flour Mixture:

    • 1 Tbsp. flaxseed meal + 2 Tb water, allow to sit until thickens
    • 1/3 c. water
    • 1/3 c. corn starch
    • 1/4 c. gluten-free flour
    • 1 tsp. oil
    • For the Base:

    • 2 Tbsp. oil
    • 3-4 garlic cloves, peeled and zested
    • 6 green onions, thinly sliced
    • For the Orange sauce:

    • 1 tsp. oil
    • zest of 1 orange + juice of orange
    • 2 Tbsp. gluten-free soy sauce
    • 2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
    • .1/4 c. orange juice
    • 1 tsp. corn starch
    • 1 tsp. brown sugar


    1. Whisk together the flour mixture until a nice batter is formed (shouldn't be too thick: think waffle batter consistency).
    2. Heat up a skillet with 1/2 c. oil on medium/high heat. Make sure it has been properly heated.
    3. Dip each small floret into the batter until covered. Fry in oil until completely browned and allow to drain on a paper towel-lined plate.
    4. In a clean skillet, heat the oil and garlic for 1 minute. Add green onions, zest and juice. Cook another 1 minute. Add soy sauce and vinegar and bring to a boil. Toss in crispy cauliflower into the skillet and coat thoroughly.
    5. Plate on a bed of rice
    6. In that same skillet, throw in the remainder ingredients for the Orange Sauce and bring to a boil for just 1 minute, stirring constantly. Drizzle over orange cauliflower and rice.


    This recipe has been created by Cara Reed of Fork & Beans.

A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (3)

A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (4)


  • Vegan Sweet Potatoes with Candied Pecans
  • Italian Quinoa Bites
  • Gluten-free and Vegan Pumpkin Pie
  • Western BBQ Veggie Burgers
A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (9)

About Cara

Based in Chicago with her husband and son, Cara is the creator behind the site Fork and Beans: A place where kids can have fun with their food.

Previous Post: « Cracked Easter Egg Cupcakes

Next Post: Beer-Battered Cauliflower Tacos »

Reader Interactions


  1. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (10)Kristen

    Made these for my bf & his wide eyes & smile of disbelief when I told him it was cauliflower was priceless. He had agreed to go vegetarian (working on vegan) and said if I could make a meal good enough it would win him over. Yours did the trick, he went back for 3rds!! Awesome recipe & truly crispy goodness. Thank you!!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (11)Cara

      VICTORY!!! Thank you for taking the time to tell me this. Love it!

  2. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (12)Brenda

    Hi. This Crispy Orange Cauliflower sounds amazing and I can not wait to try it! I have so many allergies! Soy is on the list! What would you use instead of soy sauce. Having NEVER tasted it before, I am unsure how to replace it? Balsamic Vinegar? Thanks so much! 🙂

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (13)ciro

      They actually make soy-free “soy sauce” i forgot what they used but maybe someone else knows the title?

      • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (14)Cara

        I believe it’s called Liquid Aminos 🙂

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (15)Aaron

      Look for Coconut Aminos. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos is still soy.

  3. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (16)Deats

    I am looking for vegetarian and vegan recipes as appetizers for a large fundraiser (animal welfare organization). A few things:
    – do you think this would work as an app (dished out into paper boats)
    – can I skip the flaxseed? That gets expensive for 300 or so servings
    – do you think this could work in a caterer’s chafing dish or would it be a gummy mess?

    Thanks so much for any advice

  4. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (17)kelley

    I am newly diagnosed with food sensitivities, and corn is also on the naughty list. I have not yet experimented with arrow root, but was wondering if that might be a suitable substitute for the corn starch?

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (18)Cara

      Yes Kelley, that would work perfectly!

  5. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (19)Kalise

    Any chance I could bake this? Looking to make it a little healthier. Thanks!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (21)Cara

      I love hearing that! I thought it was just me that thought that it didn’t taste like cauliflower at all so I glad to know I’m not alone. So good, right?! 😉 xo

  6. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (22)Anon

    “more clearer state of mind”…

    Might want to edit that part.

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (23)Suzie

      There’s always one! Thank you Cara for being mature enough to fly high. Let’s keep the comments related to food and not grammar people. Thank you!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (24)Grammar Nazi

      Glad I’m not the only one to see that. Nothing wrong with having correct grammar.

  7. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (25)Samantha Cohen

    We love orange chicken in this house, but I became a vegetarian six years ago, so that was that for me. However, this recipe of yours was a huge success and I shall mourn the absence of orange chicken no more. Thank you! It was very delicious!

    As a side note, I was out of flax seed so I used chia seeds instead. They worked well as a thickener/binder for sure, but a little too well. So I increased the liquid in the batter and it worked great.

    Thanks for the bellyache! (As my grandfather always used to say.)


    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (26)Ti'Lon

      Hey Samantha,

      I hope to make this recipe tonight. I am new to the whole vegetarian/vegan scene and wanted to know what your chia seed ratio was? I hope to make this tonight, but if you dont see it i will try some things and let everyone know how it goes.

  8. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (27)Cassy

    This meal is absolutely amazing! Even my fiancé loved it! I ended up sautéing some red pepper and onion to add to the top of the rice and make a bigger meal. I highly recommend it!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (28)Cara

      YEESSSSSSSSS!! That is so fabulous to hear–thank you for letting me know you loved it!

  9. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (29)Jennifer

    Looks fabulous! Trying to print out recipe. The link to print seems to be broken. Would love to know if this gets fixed. Thanks!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (30)Cara

      Is this still a problem Jennifer? I’m not seeing an issue on my end… eeek! So sorry about the technical difficulties.

      • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (31)Heidi

        I couldn’t print either.

  10. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (32)Niki

    Hi Cara, I love the sound of this. There is an amazing Indo Chinese cauliflower dish similar to this at one of my favourite Indian restaurants and I’ve been wanting to try and re creative it for a while. This has inspired me!

  11. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (35)Rachel

    I’m never frying anything ever again! House full of smoke, stained my pan, messy! Haha no but, this recipe was delicious. I made the orange sauce kinda backwards but it still tasted good. I loved the blackened parts of the cauliflower, they were so crispy! Great recipe but I won’t make it again cuz of the frying process.

  12. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (36)Maureen

    Brilliant idea! And so good. After a few splatter burns, I got the hang of it and it turned out better than expected.

    Def planning to use this for my vegetarian friends at dinner parties from now on!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (37)Cara

      haha, The splatters are the worst aren’t they? I think I have gotten so used to the pain that I don’t feel them anymore 😛 Glad you loved this!

  13. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (38)Bec

    Hi, is there an alternative to soy sauce I can use? My little girl is dairy & soy intolerant but now wants to try everything we eat.

    Oh and cooked your cauliflower risotto tonight, it was delIcious! Thank u 😀

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (39)Alissa

      Bec, both my daughter and I have gluten issues and cannot use soy sauce. We use Bragg’s amino acids. It is a good replacement for us.

      • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (40)Will

        Braggs is gluten-free but made with soy. You could try to find coconut aminos by a brand called Coconut Secret (https://www.coconutsecret.com/aminos2.html); the flavor is slightly different but it’s a good replacement and probably would go really well with this sauce.

          • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (42)Dawn

            +1 to the coconut aminos. I use them all the time in place of soy sauce. Works like a charm.

  14. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (43)Kelly

    I just made this and it is amazing! thanks for the recipe. I will be making it again

  15. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (44)Brittany

    I am in weight watchers and would love to try this recipe but I can’t really afford the points it would take to fry it. Would baking them work and if so, how long and what temp would you recommend? Thank you!

  16. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (45)crystal

    What can I use instead of Cara’s gluten-free flour blend? Regular bread crumbs? Thanks

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (46)Cara

      Bread crumbs, regular flour, panko crumbs, etc. All work!

  17. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (47)Karen

    This was THE BOMB!! I doubled the recipe..twice!..to make sure our family had enough..this will definitely be made again and again in our house..thanks for the recipe!..HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (48)Cara

      It’s one of my favorite recipes, Karen. I am so happy that you loved it! xo

  18. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (49)Megan

    Just made this tonight. It was wonderful. I can’t believe how quickly it all came together. Served over short-grain brown rice, absolutely delicious. Thanks!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (50)Cara

      YAY! It’s one of my favorites. Glad you liked it too 🙂

  19. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (51)Lad

    can i use a real egg in the batter besides flax egg mixtre?
    Assuming that is to help things stick and bind together.

  20. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (52)Danielle

    Sounded so wonderful…and it was actually quite tasty, but for some reason my cauliflower didn’t turn out. All of the breading stuck to the bottom of my pan and came off of the florets. I ended up with big chunks of breading (after scraping it off the pan) and naked florets. Any idea why this happened? I kept the heat at medium and used raw, unpasturized coconut oil.

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (53)Cara

      Aw bummer, Danielle–so sorry to hear! 🙁 The only 2 things I can think of as to why the breading stuck to your pan is because 1). There wasn’t enough oil in the pan, and 2). It wasn’t hot enough. Hope that helps and better luck next time, for reals! xo

      • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (54)Danielle

        Thank you for taking the time to reply! I will definitely try again 🙂 xo right back at ya!

        • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (55)Cara

          You are so welcome, it’s my pleasure! I just wish I could be more of a help…

  21. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (56)Lisa

    Can you bake this instead of frying? What temp and for how long?

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (57)emlyn

      hey lisa,
      I tried baking at 450, and LIGHTLY tossing cauliflower ( I also added broccoli) in the batter. I sprayed the baking sheet with some cooking spray. cooked for around 20 minutes while I cooked up the sauce and did the dishes. Didn’t come out super crunchy but there was a great crisp on the bottom where the pieces touched the pan. All in all I loved it! (never been a huge fan of super crispy fried things anyways)

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (59)Cara

      Eeeeeee–best news ever! SO glad you liked it and thank you for the comment 🙂

  22. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (60)Erin

    is there is sub for the brown sugar,….?? can you use maple? or honey? or…???

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (61)Cara

      I think honey would probably taste best but yes, any sub for sugar would work really…

  23. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (62)Deanna

    When I made this, the sauce made everything quite mushy. The taste was amazing and would like to try it again… any advice???

  24. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (63)Michelle

    This recipe looked phenomenal, so of course, I had to try and see if it tasted as good as it looked. IT DID! My meat-eating parents said it tasted better than crispy, orange chicken. Thanks for the share!

  25. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (64)Becky

    Wowee this looks soo good, gonna make this next week, see if I can even get the husband to enjoy cauliflower 🙂 thanks for sharing!!

  26. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (65)Joy @For the Love of Leaves

    Oh man, I used to love the flavor of orange chicken, but haven’t had it in over 4 years since I became a vegetarian. Thank you for making it possible for me to enjoy that flavor again!

  27. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (66)mmmarzipan

    NOOOO! I am going through all the posts I have yet to read and one is more delicious than the next! You’re killin’ me, Cara! LOVE your work!

  28. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (67)Cori

    Where is the recipe for this?? I can’t find it anywhere!! It looks so good..

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (70)Cara

      Thank you for the love, Jeanee. By the way, what a beautiful blog you have!! xo

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (72)Cara

      You and your big words 😉

  29. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (73)Cara

    OK, made this last night for my birthday dinner!! It was freaking perfect!!! My non-vegan husband even loved it!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe!

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (74)Cara

      Eeeeee! So happy that you immediately tried it and liked it. It’s rather amazing what cauliflower can do, isn’t it? Hope you had an awesome birthday, Cara! (great name, too) 😉

  30. A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (75)Beth @ Tasty Yummies

    Um, this looks so amazing. Off to check out the recipe now.

    • A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (76)Cara

      It tastes as amazing as it looks too, Beth…


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  26. […] Title: Crispy Orange Cauliflower Author: Cara Source: Fork and BeansFork and Beans | Fork and Beans […]

A New Way To Eat Chinese Food (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.