The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

I fit WANTfS-MAtf Mi HEl" WANTED MAjf fl 8 a a a aa a4 I HEP WANTtO-VAlt Ml" PRINTING l'KFd GI'Lit Al OH UnuMia. opportunity for young man or woman Knowledge ot lob or small automadc cylinders Opportunity for promotiun. 3h hour wrrk. no (ialutdays. all legal ho I days, varatlon and sick leave after iJJ SirNdOHAflltit-OlHK- MACHINIST 1st.

class. Inside, all arounc machine man; must be able to wort from blueprints for close tolerances. 2j-3 wears old. iz-9 shut, with pay tuner entials. Apply EASTERN 8TAXNLFKS STEM.

CORP. Enatrrn Ave A- Rolling Mill Rd. MACHINIST Needed at once! Experienced I tatS MAlt (18 lUTO MtCHANH Baltimore largest Foid dealer has ournuigi for several firm elas mechanics Only those who takf Pride In their work need apply. In return we offer vc.1 the opportunity to make more money than vou have ever made pun the -ecui-liv of employee's health and accident insurance and the em lover's incentive plan whereby you share the profits Also paid vacations. Those Interested In themselves as veil as their work- apoly to Mr OT.orgh.lin.

EKHRFNI) UROTHFRS. INC. sums txniiiir a rv tnVJl Mira Rl'NMRA, eiprtr.ra r4 sary. ixwa I'ir'iri w- App f''v. rr OFFICF-.

MOV JOOMl i Steady inside work. Apply by letter etat-lKADIO Service Man on horn radio If experience. I lane established firm. Permanent. Thor NATIONAL.

BISCTJTT COMPANY I ough experience a mut. Gentile b- 400 S. CHARLES ST. (It I tween 28 and 40 preferred. Ol par SrOHEKrri'f band MACHINIST 2nd class.

lithographing dept. 12 to 8 shirt. AppIt Federal TinlnAUiu service man. tor inaiu snoo wora W-'-V i 1 1 i. ie a a a e.

i 1 1 'y tj f' l-'H i I 0" I 0 a ai I a a-- i Permanent. s'4ty ar L.t((ic t. ttt.s.p awa hirer's ItJtilltoNH l(iSUK Uniiet.t lxit tb.jtt Jtt grout In f-'t: malifS to hfw. C.I.vPr.r.l erocs. ('aas-irehanl'tia.

Iibt(f prel. an eler.i-.r in the r.4 .44 B.M-t t-il-suarf ri'a I' ara FA11. HUH A. a 1M13 Jsaca ClJRK-rmae-t (at.itrte ntli eiOKrROOM (IIKK-PwI'Io In-. a a t1 na f.

i. tt-aat 1 1 a t.t MHfa tai, fr jf- ar- -t T-e 1 a-t aw it. 4 a a. 4t tf 1 f-t-Ta a-t ISe. a i ajt a.

I ti 1 i sit "at. 1 rr a 1. -i I a t. a a a f. at a a a a aJ i tl it i.

4. t. ta a a 1 i 'i i a --a a 't a--- aMa "-t a i if a-t a 'i fc ay it tit tt I 1 1 i I a i a. a. a si, at I yn.

aas. aJf a a a a-ta it a.t-4 a (l -it tti- atlf -Hita) a t- )-a t. a a at a -t a. t.a il t-. 4 a a.i tt a a- a i a I a i it a.

i ttCira. tT. i ti "i '4 lit a 1 1 'i-- ft i a.t 1 I- a 1 i i i i a. ta tta i a -1 1 aa 1 i a 1 1 1 1 1 a In 1 rt peeeary, tt tib. day.

Fiit.ii.n fveu.i aea Faint fi'a. At lt Hjir, BUITRriTIMUHI-reirfe fe? wt' security lor lb titl it invrsuiiur riviiei r. rm.w 4 a'u-e pant lactotr aid Im o.ii plia Stltiin, ft nnttrg eflrl piaogrsnnt oo.y a a will fee roridefd if.i liberal rwny pt--3 ir lae i tie louw fr t- ui e-tai i c. a c.j Bpii-a. s.

l.s AIMiK Mutt a sm auil sowfi'f riMThf t-not h-trxn i a i a HMClANS Ray trals le a. prrieor im fiaB- Atj JoiiN KIN! HPTIAU eit'DT a4 fif a perlenrd it ain tf Irte on lriif.tat in tft'f pant rtaiar I ar.v Aim ri mom Arr rr.wp Fjaolm JC 4 lec.toraiji pay A "t'eg rtml AfP YkAH HKVK K. Mt. Iiai aV Hefle rtta rman ertt af.t fit tltxM III" At' Wtttft T.i aeA: I ftJfVICr kifN (is lit ot. KaTttitf (.

It'inatir farm A. fai.a t-tt Po high utfi Ar Uui'n fit '4 AliDif liwtt Vio'ort A. orp tt-Wait a-it. A'lt Ml tYPISf-CAMdlK If JO- 3. a up cat? s-ari w- fiancltl at 1)9 a waaa 1 fog an appi.ttBet f.

ri a wt UPHOLSTtlttR art ran it r.ct lt.tVU x.a 1U a jt, vv ri I PHOLfiT l. I k--i ipr i fid ta wort. pr rr.a-tr.l er.d. aaat.rai sat ft i-t, ay Ast CI2.t -at RO AF.i) AV. I A A I t.

i A CPHOlItKrHli tk trrUNOlK-eta4i vote, ito ni AI AN I FT'ei" eTTRT rT. jy ayl CO.Jf a if.t't tf AR bmr ft inure a o.aat at ittini ta ret man alio ca" iw a at tf la iii.tfi aa a- A bttr.iti. tn. VETERA', eg 5V. nt'H g--t-a dfy ti p.ii tit ta fcu-y a lift atta.ff I tf I ir to Itarn A r- I if'nl fa ttu ttt.

aV ct ta civ rtTJiw rri. a r.t i Tt 0'yt lhe-' p. Jeae.ry At atn lilt 1 at. It.l UilKASs-lfil -e! Wfitt Trtt ti a enone la ytjttft It oj ara a warnr aa a aca It. ow.

sa tit f.i. Lit I IIITf 4 I vtAITFR iCord t-ci tf yea. at I fc-T J-a 1 l'1 R'i tvlTIUhs. ui itr; ii-m ut itll t't 1 t.r-h. 1 ft I ,1 AHIjloC-t.

Hit Kl lit r.t 1.. i in nt- -t 1 ati4 Acp.t t-: f- fa, 1 It: e.t 1 tt A- a-t vvKf f-i gcott ray gl uTjt 1 ir" r. ittitit e-i. rtftt.iti 1 tie A il'' Ji A It it M. lit vt flStltsll il.tti a f-i'tt a', a lootl tlar ia in ti'i' tt At wtii en a .1 ff-tett as-4 't r-s--tt i In and nun sat-i aatr- 'tt Pi.i'V if wt tgr Vi -r 4--.

l.V VAe. c'NtI t. IVOrOS fcl Vl Ta.t f- I'tttttt It 1t Ufl.l sC I fee- a ir -J" Alt ItMAKI I tt mi im ta.t'V Aup.i a t.i. tfa fc V. WIviajW ihiit Vtt a a -v 1 I ittrifti rtfTt'tti a o- ttixv Hit'? s4 ars-t 1 1 VtGOH SASH In a- r.e-ur v.i:r"f g.jt'-ttl Cat.

Vt I A- -1 444 I Ate ft 1 raca--r (1 aa li tt a- Ki'Mi fir wttt i fitinil ang'e t-t-e. Mt ft ft pre (all I liat.flt a.i y-'f a a lit; st mai ettoji i ia in-i ttt for a a rt 1 1 rft-tet if tt 'I-1 couple 1 ttt- a it at --a tr-t. i' it 4 art i.ii tt ss, ('' a VAV- tt-4 i ft ttti FrauM Lwi. Ij i vat.t Its a i fCifsst lilt at't Po.y (fad. att -a'arr a a at ttrfif'i Mutt t.i rr bet llttt.

a YOCV't kSN I'fttti a it -VT. i atiit. tf tti.t- --t 11 ww ei Ltia C. a Vt't MTT! 4. at-K e't-a ift-'s ti(-- tili'f si i tft5 r-i Yt.tS'M4i Ja 1-fiMtl re-alt tt ts tffr at-aN A pp.

pt ititi 4 Iit-tttt. itsiit, f.i ffl 'tN la(t tlttt It IjaTtTJ f. I lit Ji g. Ore t.a It i it tx a a tttf. IA" I I- i i f.

-t I 1 tea at t.t -t -a i -a HELP WANTED MAll CLOTHING SALESMAN Permanent position Snlary to $75 week At better. Must have experience. Mr. Snyderman, Lee Inc. 3426 Eastern Ave.

COLLECTOR-SALESMAN, with car for est. debit. Exceptional opportunity for right man. Highest salary and com mission arrangement. Apply alter 11 A.

M. Mr Ellis. KOVFNS CO. 1333-37 W. BALTIMORE ST, COLLECTOR SALESMAN Experienced with car $75 guaranteed.

Established route, clean accounts. We sell deslrablt merchandise at competitive prices. Phone LI. 9H57 for appointment COLLECTOR-SALESMEN with auto. Established territory.

Permanent position. MOSES KAHN 447 N. GAY COR. EAST ST. COLLECTOR-Salesman.

experienced, with car. Guaranleel too salary. THE DORIS 325 N. ETJTAW ST. COLLECTOR-SALESMAN, with or without experience.

Good opportunity. Hollywood credit lziy penna. Ave. COLLECTOR-SALESMAN Experienced. Excellent proposition.

Ai fraakin 209 w. Fayette St. LS. B5Q7 coiiOREIi Bartender, middle-aged man Permanent job in old-estaDiisiiea men club. Phone Mr.

Reese. VE. 0366 after A. M. white, lst-class.

Hrs. 11-9 P. M. Apply today after 11 A. M.

WAI.KEH-HASSLINGER N. CHARLES ST. LAN VALE ST. FNT. white, for restaurant in eastern suburbs, Good pay.

tau ssex 1203. Italian. American Only 1st class need apply. Good salary, mgnt worg. ut E.

Baltimore St. COUNTER OR DELICATESSEN MAN Apply H. Slater. 513 Paric tieignts ave. UTTER and cushion makers for custom upholstering shop.

urotners. 411 N. Howaro st DETAILER Young man with 2-5 years' experience on mechanical equipment Excellent, opportunity for man living in Catonsvill area. for interview write 14996. Sun.

giving age. education, experi- ence and salary required. DISHWASHER Colored. Clean it honest Hrs. 12- r.


DRAFTSMAN MACHINE DESIGNER DRAFTSMAN (Mechanical-Piping Opening for man with knowledge and abut to lay-out heating, steam ana water pip-nir. nlumhinff and underground work. Ex perience in mechanical ventilating systems helpful MrmE tittkicjnkr Must nave sever vears experience in layout detail design processing machinery. Equivalent of two college engineering education desir interviewing aauy aionaay mru Friday. 8 A.

M. to 4 P. IVtSlEHN ELtUJKIU tU. 2500 BROENING HIGHWAY Take No. 20 Car to Plant Entrance.

DRAFTSMAN (Electrical) An opportunity for man with experience in electrical controls and circuits in use on manufac turinff nlant machinery and eauioment Interviewing daily Monday thru Friday. A. M. to 4 P. M.

WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 2500 BROENING HIGHWAY Take No. 20 Car to Plant Entrance. DRAFTSMAN Experienced detaller on strni-r nral steel oood starting salary evrpllent opportunity for right man Eastern Iron Steel 6301 Erdman Ave. WO 10575 DRAFTSMAN familiar with aU kinds of piplrg.

LE. 2710. DUPLICATING- MACHINE OPERATOR Permanent position a opportunities ior advancement. Excellent working conai-tions. 5 day week.

Apply Dun Brad' street, 27 Hopgins fiace. ELECTRICIAN Experienced, for mainte nance work in electro-plating plant. GILBERT CUMMINS 2800 FRED- ERICK AVENUE. ELEVATOR OPERATOR Steady ork. 11 E.

Chrtse st, ENGINEER. 2nd grade license, oil burner and stoker-nred boiler. Apply Between 9 A. p. m.

Mon. tnrough CONTAINER CORP. OF AMERICA EASTERN AVE. WO. 8787 ENGINEER Power Plant Designer experi enced in layout or steam electric gener ating stations.

GILBERT ASSOCIATES Reading Fa. ENGINEER. 2nd grade license, for heating and ore pump: J-ll shut. FRANKLIN REALTY CO. 207 W.

Franklin St. VE. 0354, ENGINEER Second grade. Must be sober and steady. Mr.

B. U. McCarthy, the Alcazar. Cathedrel and Madison Sts. 3rd grade Apply Chief Engi neer.

MT. KOYAb HUlElj. Mt. Koyai Ave. Calvert St.

ENGINEERS Mechanical graduates to do planning and development worit on equipment and methods used in the manufacture of insulated wire, cable, and telephone apparatus. May Include methods analysis. engineering costs. capacity studies, factory planning, ma chine development, process specification or experimental work. Interviewing dan Monday thru Friday.


20 Car to Plant Entrance, ENGRAVING MACHINE OPERATOR, ex perienced in use of Gorton Pantograph. Give past experience, age, etc. Include salary or rate desired. Good future fori qualified person. Write 15532.

Sun. I EXAMINER Experienced in men's cloth- ing manufacturing. Apply Mavest, 501 E. Preston 3rd 11. front.

FARMER Able to supervise boys. SI, 400-1 51.700 ana living, towson iz. FINISHER Experienced on store fixtures I MODERN STORK tUTUiili 117 Watson St. FIREMAN (Colored) Apply chief engi-1 neer ofnee. Southern Hotel.

FOLDER OPERATOR Man to set up and I operate Dexter folders with cross feeders. Steady job. 5-day week. Western News paper union. 414 water street.

FOREMAN Experienced window cleaning and janitorial work; excellent opportu nity right man: state salary, complete details first letter, write 15158, Sun. FREIGHT SOLICITOR with car to work ior Class 1 carrier. Good opportunity. Lots of territory. Give resume.

14430, bun FURNACE Installer. Experienced. Must have car tools. Apply in person at Houar.q i-urnace 3131 Fleet St. FURNITURE SALESMAN Thoroughly ex- periencea.

insiae. txcellent opening lor man vho desires to improve present status, isaiary or commission bans. Ap plications strictiy confidential. Appoint ment can be made lor meeting at home. AL KHAIlKI'i CO Favette Kf IF.

Him WO flTTH GARAGE Attendant, capable of washing and simonizing and Reneral service. Work Sundav. 701 Whitelock sf. GASOLINE Service Station Attendant imenaani man. Good nay.

Myers ark Road Belvedere Ave. in liitnhee hnsitts Annia niorication mi Brothers, York GENERAL office experienced in lumber business Apply rMiduLis. r.1111 aim ijumuci ouu uia. o. 1 mi.

tie M. GRANITE and marble cutter. Steady work. ftppiy J. bcnaener, reoericK Ave.

GROCERY CLERK with chauffeur's license. Inside experience desirable. Permanent job. Call LI. 6039 or at 4802 Park Heights Ave, pet ween 3 ana 6 P.

M. GROCERY CLERK with some meat ex perience. Sanitary Food Store. 1801 Linden Ave. GROCERY COUNTER MAN for Fri.

Sat. Meat Market. 323 S. Paca st. Phone MO.

3081 GROCERY STOCK CLERKS Experienced Apply Kariora Food Market. Harford are I ma Preston st. 1 HANDYMAN Young (white), single. Gen-1 tile. to wors around animars.

Perma-I nent position, good salary. Can live in or out of building. Apply 400 N. Eutaw Baltimore i. Marviana.

HANDYMAN (White. 35 to 50. who can drive car. live in. to care for chickens ana iawn in city limits; good pay.

La. 5G91. 3721 Glen ave. HANDY MAN. who can do plumbing, elec-1 trical worK plastering.

Globe Home N. Broadway, OTEL CLERK Experienced, ambitious HO' and anxious to become working assistant manaser of 150-room hotel. Salary commensurate with ability. Address, enclos- ine references. Mr.

Touchton. Ebbitt Tt el lntv, T.T tf sir ton. nr. L. r.

Age ZD lo 3,1 I manict r. r- 7. large car debit, all white business, op- fw'tiiT iui liKiii nun lu earn an ex cellent income: must be honest, sober nui ici. xiuaMicailatittn. sick benefits, disability, death benefits anu irLiicmriii luuutlie DIDViara ot io Exp not necessary but helpful.

For inter- view call Jr 0200 INSTRUMENT MAN AIRCRAFT. CALI FORMA ASSIGNMENT Repair and maintain aircraft instruments. Exoe rience essential. Limited knowledge of electronics. Write or wire Pilotless Plane Dir.

FAIRCHILD E. Ar A. 1R4-10 Jamaica Jamaica. t. INVESTIGATOR NRtional financial or- ganization needs services of intelligent orprini.iv.

fiicr tn.uva salary and liberal car allowance. Must have car. Aetna Finance 215 street. JANITOR, for apartment houses. Central location.

PL. 1900. JOB PRESSMAN -Unusual opportunity for jo-iiuur wees, r.o aaiuruays. all legal holidays. Vacation and sick Vvr PPAy i 11 JOB PRESSMAN Good pay to a fully ex- nirterteen man Keve aww lnrt tima 5, te i 1 UU1G.

I AvvJUiNjLAiNi wun general nccountin-. Ti'ainintE. Kxd. in mfennir tn -anrr Violnflll n-r-ne in Jnlle -J JUNIOR CLERK tn haberdashery and bo.7 w- i nt.iit. v-if.

iviu cioming aepartment. Permanent position. MOSES KAHN 47 N. GAY ST. COR FAST ST.

LABORER Annlv am Volley 7.30 A. M. LATHE HAND Must be exnerienetd fe.t large machine shop. Permanent position Pleasant working conditions. Unusual op portunity, call Mr.

Genovese. Glen niirttie prill LAUNDRY DRIVER-SALESMAN $40 per wk. plus commission bonus. Apply fiu.ut vv utju rtKUUSU.N LAUNDRY it 1 1 LittKeiRno st i suiivsiaiii. in rencil.

opanisn snd Italian, to be emolnveri is a soiieiten of foreign vessels coming to Port of Baltimore. Write Box 14358. Sun. LlMJLtUM MECHANICS. Top salary.

Steady work. Acme i.i--i.n-, N. Chester St. LIQUOR SALESMAN. F.xo Wanted t0 cover lucrative trrntory out of city.

Car neces enri rutfs nuit-t dp lurnisnpn An. Ply Montcbclio Liquor. 108' W. Lom- nt. it MiCHTKE HANDS For cood mill woik Gl.

I 111 MACHINIST for development work Small shop in Carroll County. Md. Can use wife for cooking and 1st fl. cleaning in owner house Smnll. modern house available.

Write 14664. Bun. lng are 12 MAIL MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN MEN MEN I I I I i I I I i i I I 1 i I I fa a t--ia ae tat a 9 ti H' a. if afrtf a r'fX't! a aai -a -f a i Sv a a i t- a 1. It.

a if i lf MsT1 I a (4 f. a ai av a a a A av tit (i 't el 4 't in tj, I a a at-- -tilt a 1 Mil a auj Sat aMt? mJ a fit a nt. v- I SVtMfmel. Ktetl Sa 'nl ai a is 'til a ittfi il. itfl ji! iti ititvn i.j -a 4a it aetata) a-- tnast a a a I i Jta tt taa st a a4 -e a.

tM.jt--t TV. I f- ih iM tstM a I a.aatj ataa't et? lli 1 i I I A. Ji a I a a a at a- a a tt mm t.t. o. ta ji a- a Itatx aJ-t -s A to- l.i J.ll I 7 at f.

i 4 ar aa-tafal t.t -ai a tx a -( te-- at. ar a at i ii i at.a4pa a a-t a-t a ttt a -a nt it-t e-4 r.t ff a ttft.t a fa af 1 a -a it aa ill 1 a US tf it it. at i tt-t. 'a I at- aaftbta. t-uta, -at at a -(.

a a a-' 1 a-- tl taa-t a 4 aa -a a. -t 4 a I it s- t-nta-'t ttt tttt iatt-i jt a -tfta a-'- it. i at a a 'f a aa Va i-at lulitlat tllttin tlaa, tj-i? CJlttln a t4 a --a ssf attili' wa. a t. ftflft iat 1 tit a at t.

j-t. a 1 1 sti ttaaa -t 4 i .1 i a f-tt tt'-rt' I I LX a- "a-t t-i. at- a iiTt'i-t Wttft at i t-i (nt tttj i ta ittafit taa ft va. Va aa i' 't ta i lit- a ai; -tti a a- a a v. a a a .4 tifi iu i.t r.iiM a a i ais i lit it-iu a(t- a Jk tVt-tta a r-.

I. tV WStr't' -t at' M't'i-t tit- a a miri 4 at at-t" 1 lit Al A3 actttt 'l I a I -t I tint. a Is. a. Jt i Mil ll'W ttt-tl I I 11 2 at ttf I a an ftl.t it" i a a.

in-. lit tir a' ie Svitta f-t a I -I Jtl Il 'l'l' tt. i JV, tt--at at t-t. i tl I Ittt -t ti en a- i. -i ia a i at-- a.

a i (1 fit, t-t 3' a a ati-a a i a tilB-. a i 9 a i a i van v. a I t-ai y. t- I a-t a a- 4 i aa tli i'- ft' ai. i a4 va -t ''I K- t.

i- a i a M'" "'Mt 1 4t fi -t i a--. I "I at f- I I It t' tl J't a 1 a- 1 ft ad -r-t a ts. ten. a- i-J nf.r 1 a it tt 1 t. Ifit a.

a a 1. ta-a a-att a- tat a I-- ei-a a aa -1 if ttt ttta 4 It, SC aa t'. J-Mw ti t- a. I w-a iMll a '4. irt ti.

tii.t a a ft mi I 1 -U' 1- 1 a ft fit 1 I is a a it; Ut -t tr li.l i II" I' -W v. kt ftf.t f.f t-a a aa i- t- i 1 in IKINM9 aelOaffl tlt i i eifj Sf i a "f.H't": I -w f. t. ta Vf' tr ta I tw -a 'fjit 't 'i" I 1 V-f" III -t i. ff Inf 1 -1 -1 i -t a 1" it ampj.

at-e 4 a a a .1 a -a i C. i a-t" a is'i ia It fc. i tr a i il m. I 4 tt i .1 a V. att rttf-tttn i B.I,, ta- -r lliii i it ii i im r-it an at t-a i-'iti I at i i-t- i 1 -i i frr-fj inf ui.

i-mti -mi I III! I ti a a a. tat A 1 aaarita a a aa.a I----. -r a -a if ti i a. "I It III f-- 'I a iititf A iijin. It II i -tfft- If-' a I i v.

in1 1 1 aa a a i kf t-a'tttyt'tO a St I -tl i ii-r-k i a a It a -f-' ft i tt 4 it nt tt 1 a. a a at i. a a. lei 1 a. 1 .1 I HI a It a ttt-t, i tSI t-ty-i a a 'J-' I j-4w -t i I tf i a-a ji t.

I 5 a it iVsa a I i fe 11 (1 I 5 1 a. t. i gf -t-a-t t4 I u.a i.iii, 1 i 1 i months. Write HMS. p.

Box 32. CUI ton.JlonIill3Md li' Mui-t be exp. Apply American Radio A Ketiifco.SBaindenveVE 445? 8ALFMMEN for es'abll-hed firm. No necessary. We will train you if you posses genera) sales ability.

Car esurp Apiy CRANF. A- CHANT. 110 Lexington Suite 400, between 9 A. 1 P. JsR.

REGISTER Reader, e'ternnon hrs. good starting salary, 40-hr k. Apply ilnfl Personnel Office, Montgomery Ward mpan RESEARCH At DEVELOPMENT CNGINCFft Preferably ih recent Durlor's in Physics. Electronics or Good theoretical background in the fields. Capable of directing a development group duing development wmk in electronics.

Servo-Mechanisms. otitrol Kt-tems. Experience csscotial. FarmiCidaie area. Write or wire PIloMess ni.

FAIRCTIu.D At A. ibvio jamaira jamairi. i. ROOFERS 2. slate, experienced.

Top wages, steady work. Apply Koto Bros. N. Culver St. SALESMAN to sell and deliver an advertised product.

Must tavt a personality and sale ahull. Guaranteed salary while learning. ii oual.flcaUotu own pandwrit lnjLjL5yiijo UD. SALESMAN To sell food product-of? truck. S-dat M.

fitate Dast nwrt ence and refe fence s. Write 143 .7, i SALESMAN AGER Capable of direclins sales organization. Knowledge of ai'n sales essential. Uhm hat car Former appliance man preferred. Oult men caDabl of earning 4.0tK) to OOo veiir need SDulv.

fut fjrnih bfti references. Write M. J. Moore. ImPerljl Window Sales, lnc Charles Carrol.

Hotel. Westminster. Mariud. or phone er 5 0 MANAGER For specialty Hem, At tractive proposition. A pin 2-4 f.

1910 Fleet SALESMAN Aggressive man to sell bust dm firm a system and equipment 'or printing U. 8. postage on letter mail and parcel post. Salary and commission pro vide above average earnings local lerri torr avauabl now to a man i'h record of successful dales expertenc In specialties or that wiii tar.e investigation. If ou are between 29 a and can qualify (her is an future for Toi In a arnatng tiJu'ry Phone PI.

533 for appointment or 4 4 8 1 SALESMAN Full or part time. Expansion program creates opening lor eip. eaM. man with Internationally known ojari lation. Three days af'er u.

J. earned SS5. E. C. earned (5 Botn part-timer Full-time salesmen earning 10- 8170 each and every meeg.

I.eact i pished. Training at our expens. If you I enjoy meeting people and mean bunr.fii. I see Mr. A.

s. rkatner. .0 tteowooa it i SALESMAN WAN I'il There is a Mm I Ciass jod ior an a.ert. expeririirea salesman, over 40. of good character a oil a p.

pearance. The deal la exclude, commis sion is co-operation luo. and tr. earnings will you. Come to (he 5th floor.

Knirkeroetcker Hm'el fig. be tween 9 and 10 A. OVT.Y Thursday September 6lh. Aik for Mr. Brownie.

SALESMAN Exclusive territory. Baltimore and vicinity, for new nationally adter- tlted product. Liberal advance aiaimt commissions: ivooo ana more annua. iv Fmanclal integrity and rar retj tired. I tin I ail lniorniaiion.

tiepiy cox jivis. i Eun. SALESMAN Young man. it learn egenrv work with lite Insjranc com pany. Outside work on route.

For information nd appointrr.e&t Iphone Hrtlinhfr.A. fSIl SALESMAN xu for established" tefrttory one laminar in railing on grotrry ana rcMBuram iraotr in triiiiiw e-r and mayonnaise, etc. Give tali tsetai.s Write Box Sun. SALESMAN with car lo aell m.t-ce.iai.ou war surplus materials to hardware. Yj-'rSrTvl-T THE ABFI.I.

DISTRIBUTING CO fi E. KIDDLE B.M.I(l;, F.O. SALESMAN Industrial, exp'd. comm. to sell plastic faorication faculties for larg-est fabricator in the Ea't.

6end aU ii'iail- rations ta 4. P.O. box ji.j. cm. a 12.

Pa. SALESMAN A competent nun. experiei.t tl In real estate, for opening on our staff We have one of th best in tb CUV Mr- MU8i3 recoruTT; a SALES ma: music ahooi in lit area, iirtittn' sirielm. Liberal cotr imusion. Phone P.Roviwaye443a:,r10,A SALESMAN'rcar cioia pre arranged pl otc Baltimore.

Salary, Fh.e.eM Stitdtf). 23Fiatbush B-Qf Y. SALESMAN, with car. to cover rear t.y ler ritory for wholesale) periodical a.stribit tor. lQTB.

fc jl SALESMEN wanted lor radio depirtmti needn your.a men to ttU radioi at I small appliances VolJine OX P.lril oeveloouig rapid. T. ptriod 4 week at fu.l salary before to local store B'arti: saiary i bonus on Dersoial iilem personnel policies ahirn Include txp ot discount, yacationa oay. group i-. surancat sick Ay retuement

ApD.t Persoriel ortre W. (iSASr siwLr-xiNoroN 5-- SALESMEN needed for tavern otiiemnt General Electric Oreo! beer system ate available row! want two tiy tt perienced men recently active In sel'trg auch eauipment. Fait g'owtng. 1t -portent beer eou.prcer.t derartrrttnt eftri teg to right men. eocr'Cen ttal.

Contact in CeiaoO or PCCC E. Jtterthelmer. fiRFOI V. RFFTf TOFftATTOM Cfi. reoertcg Ate.

SALESMEN Experienced i'" windows and lns'ila'loa iaTtti. Btit commission of all offered. combination I'dtffl wlr.doas and direct ai'h manufacturer 1-nmed Ce- lirery Draw account corr aion. Aooly Mr. Wright.

(j betaeen 6 A. M. and 11 A. M. 1 orated ue-ween St Pan.

ard t.te:t. SALESMEN National concern has it inga for several touni men btn ii'i 01 21-30 to train as trJct sa.a-men. A. ar.cemer.t erpofir.r ties. Posit.

on oiaiifies urdr I cn-tlt. loo train r.g orotttm ApeI in rri 10 Mr Wiidhtet. rtterrauoSal iiarvrstrr Cc-ne-a-y. jS'jt a' salVsmen National -oTr a'd t. tT- auorn.

-u yr. co. rt- ouires outside men over i. with sell.Bf AUo (reterana under 1. BJ R.ghts.

to sell hoioit ra tlon in and HA-A. Can earn up to or renewal income Opportunity to itil o'fitf line of in Mr Snyder. Guilfttd Att sl.r..siF.-ituir.t. return h.i lr.r ior men wno win Ot iMmuiri.t trained to sell on of the tt Must have car. Call WO for at eiung items Approx.

fitm tppoin'mertt 9 31 A. M. ti 11 SAIESMEN Exp for new men's hatr riashery, featurtn nattonaiiy aO'trtij oranas opening nept. ruth. lK-aitd In heart of dept.

d. strict ieiie-tt opportunity. Apply. Mr. Epateta.

410 lomrara t. auired. Apply btfore lu 11 Lexington if SALESMEN for houw both Inside and tort. Salary and com. mi'sion.

Car perfstry. e(err i prif Homen. 33S potee tt iRrooV.yf 0 't C-t '''rung om4 out Yor roael and M05t Windsor M.J fsopiv t-atit winn'-or roiq SAt.FSMFN Strictly new 4 iV IS ate rvir deoanment In connection n'ti heavt duty motor trucks, tti'i'l a tra capable trtirg tr 'echanie wi'h genera knowledge of ttandllr-g all tapes ef ac All reuiiea will keot sirleti conflder.tisl Otfe details of tgptr trice nd ssiart expected per month. I 'ttt. S.ttf SEWING ROOM MAN Af.FK WANTED Progressive, long established maaufae- Itirer of bedspreads, draperies and similar items needs man with w.tle experience tn Hewing and nptra-tions lo take full charge of nroduction In modrrn trtmc room.

Ootrttioi.s par.ding 10 inrlude otler text 1 1-iim Plant located in medium site We. ern city, l.xcellent oDooctunit for riahl person. Give romo'ete Information as to I age. experience and tami.y status tn 1 firt Urt Rn t4 Sun CrVTOU U.l BKd. SHAPER OPERATOR Woodworklct fa- miliar with finished mill tntt Tftr round Insice work with good pay.

OWENS mq SHFETMETAL WORKERS evptrleretd Ton wages, sttid worlr. Aon' Korb Bros. 14 N. Culver at. CI.

S174-W. chop -7 Full time dos. ion with rood cay At ti ceuent worxing conoiMons APPLY HFS RON 312 FTP FT CUOP vj.iwt. -t riit rir-ic-o a nn nnrni tn. inm- n.

a anion, excellent pav and "'kl-i cord Apply Personnel office WYMAN R. 15 oil OE SALESMAN, exoertencrd. no to tlCO per weeg. Permanent. Otvwt hours and working rordr.ons.

Nuift ro 1Q4 xv jLylnffin fi SHOE SAI.FSMFN Good rirniliis for capable, experienced shot fitftri 41 hour wees or Uil rtavs weekly riani mr roundmas. Arflt Ciee a' cotiv. Ftvef.e Street B.dg.. 9 30 A. XL tc O.JU 1'.

M. T-trw s. se rrt trr-- j. i OFEKATOR Ciaaoi'r tjr.itn Ann 1- writing elsring mm tin A- availability. C.

H. Etuita. J404 Ave. SALESMEN To aeil eomn.r a-. a nrtoa I STOCK, pile el lit 8HKK riot for 1 Ht TtK TIME IIKK T1HK I tTFFl Vi Vt I M.

HOvm 504 I I i ALLS WAY, CENTRE STS. ill TO MECHANICS Excellent opportunity and unlimited earnings for expert me-ch-nlcs Permanent positions In cne of Baltimore's finest, lamest service dents Fvcellent a'orkine conditions and good future for the right men. Art at once Apply Mr. W. Lvnch.

McKenna Pon--tlar. 3031 Ave WO. 0220. UTO MECHANICS Several lst-class men for general repair work. Permanent position.

Good pav. Annlv PB NN ROTHTEF 3 4101 Relsicrstown Road. lUTOMOBIl.E PARTS MANAGER, pleasant working conditions, good salary. See Mr Hosforfl, Clt Oldsmoblle, 4618 Fdmondson KEfl Oood hand, experienced frying Toiighnut.v No Sunday work. 4919 Har- oro road, T4 tER First class on cakes.

pies Danish. Write 14310. Sun. lAKER on bread sweet dough. Elderly man preferred.

Write 14309. Sun. lAKER 1st and 2d hand: bread, rolls and sweet dough. Call PjkesvJlleTL lAKER All around. 532 Rosehlll terrace, cor, 4000 block Old York rd.

lAKERY HELPERS Night work. 5 days. 4S hours. Off Wednesday Saturday. Oood st-rting salary.

Permanent positions with opportunity for advancement Apply; Personnel Office RICE'S BAKERY 310 GAY STREET kAKBER. Oood pav. short bours. Robert's. 1315 N.

Charles St. ARBER. 1st class, short hours. Plaza Bar-brr Shop. 20 E.

Lexington St. IARBER Part time or steady. 109 W. Baltimore St, FaRBER Steady, good pay. Apply 3323 rretiericn Ave.

ARBER At once. Good pay. Steady. 1433 Charles St. IaRBER Oood.

Sansone Barber Shop, Baltimore Fremont Ave. BARBER Apply Manager. Emerson Hotel bare rgn QQ-. BARBER Must be good. 8.30-6.

4708 ty Heights Ave. BEAUTICIAN-Halr Stylist Permanent position. Pleasant working conditions Top salary plus commission. Only those who are thoroughly experienced Deed BP' ANDRE OF T. MORITZ ELV EDER EJH OTEL.

ROOM 33. LACKSMITH for eeneral line of work in machine shop. Should be able to read blueprints. Address 15163. Sun BLOCKLAYER Apply ready for work.

50 JLauJj. BOOKKEEPER. D. E. Also to assist with credit and collection work for install ment furniture store.

Salary 450 per week. Permanent position. All replies tr)rlT rnnflrienfinl Write 14097. Run BOOKKEEPER D. E.

(exp Good chance lor advancement with growing concern Oire full Wrlt 14S22. Run EootBLACK. experienced. Apply 302 E. uniumore n.

Eb'Y for stock work men's clothing store Excellent opp. tor aggressive boy to learn retail business. At, STEIN 24 E. Baltimore St. BOY (colored), to drive car for sales man.

Travel Pa. At Eastern Shore. Must have license. Kiddy Clothes 16 Hoo- kinj.P.ace., BOY to learn photo raphic business. Splendid opportunity.

State age. education religion, salary expected. Write 15531 S'lt) EOY WANTED. 1618 years old. as stock clerk.

Apply calverton tieignis Marget OL0178 iiOY Must have school education Oriole Sportswear. 21 W. Fayette. 4th floor. SOY tahitet.

about 16 years, order department, wholesale drugs: permanent position. LE. 6574. BOY to run errands. Bicycles furnished.

API 419 St. Paul Place. BOY or fountain work. Day work. 100 University Parkway.

BE. 2121. BOY Wanted for of! ice work. Apply 1501 East Baltimore street. BOY.

white 16 years. Fountain work In drug store. 5'i-day week. $22. FO.

9456 BOY wanted in hardware store. $25.00 wek, Address I5i'21. Sun. JOYS (wlmel. Permanent positions open for boys and young men in our merchandise department.

Excellent starting salary. Many ortn-whlle advantages Apply Mail Order Employment Office tn rioor MONTGOMERY WARD MOVROE ST A- WASHINGTON 'RLVD BOYS 16 to 18 years, for llcht bakery work. Training provided. Steady em- Floyment. attractive salary.

Substantial uture Saturdavs off. 5-dav week. P.ECKER PRETZEL BAKERY, 2500 Biork Booth St. Take No. 15 to 2300 W.

Balto, walk half block south BOYS 18 or over, to deliver small pkgs. in downtown area; 5-day week. L. D. Caulk BOYS Must be 16 vears of age.

as messen gers. Apply Receptionist. 1st floor, The sunpauers. Baltimore Charles Sts. BRICKLAYERS At Hod Carriers Apply Carbone.

1519 E. Lanvale St. bet. 6.30 7 A M. and 6 30 7 30 P.

M. Lex rH.i call at the same hrs. BRICKLAYERS AND HODCARRIERS Too wages. Apply 1500 East Coldspring lane or can Brqaaway 3986. J.

Roe Lewis BRICKLAYERS (201. Job. 2300 Oswego nve 1HICKLAYERS Regular top wages. Phone HA.Mt W. MILLER.

TOWSQn 637. BRUSH HANDS Full time. JOHNS HOP r. i iN nusfii al. BUFFER, grinder polisher on small orass parts.

Pleasant working conditions flfitpnmniint Jl, Mn.lh Avvrn St! QOOO BUILDING SUPERVISOR Capable of su pervising row-Drtck construction Sc beini able to have contact to sublet. All repl.e strictly confidential Good permanent ppportunity ior right man. State exp Writel447V8un Experienced on men's clothing altrations Good salary and over time Employee's discount. Permanent position. SEE MR WTDERM AN ROSENTHAL'S.

.306 N. IU TAW ST, BUSHELMAN Splendid, permanent P03 tinn for hllshpimnn voerienceri nil men' fine tailoring alterations. Ideal working conditions Excellent salary. 5-aay week WARNF.R 5c CO. 18 F.

Baliimore street. BUSHFLMAN Experienced men's clothing toy work all yarr S55. Wire at once SHERMAN CLOTH News, Va BUSHF.I.M AN Part time, good pay. Phon bet een 7 P. M.

fiUTCHFR Good all around man for neic horhnod store. 2700 Tivoly Ave. BE. 4009 CAB DRIVERS Must be over 21 and kno city. Good pay.

Steady work. GREY HOUND CAB. 4213 Relstej-stownRoa CANVASSERS and peddlers. Seircostum Jewelry. Average a week.

Mr Nash. Mt. RoyalIloteL tqphone calls CARPFNIER For general maintenanc reeded at once. Experienced. Steady in side work.

Apply by letter stating ex perienre. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 400 S. CHARLES ST. (1) CARPENTER Trim hand. SI 50 nr.

Steady work ali year round. Globe Home lm- provenient Cp.j2 l4N.Broadwa y. CARPENTERS A- CARPENTERS HELPERS Several additional good men needed for year around work. 5-day week. Good pay.

See Mr. EMGE Oreole Refrigeration Co 2308-10 Frederick Ave iooo CARPENTERS Housing Day's work or contract work. Apply 3345 Cordellia a Blk. north of Hayward Ave. Commonwealth Construction Co.

CARPENTERS for steady real estate work Rnm or shine. Good opportunity. BR 3nnn CARPENTERS Steady work for 1st class white carpenters with cars. Call GI. 617" hetween arid 9 A.

M. or 8 and 9 P. CARPENTERS Stendy work. Top wages. See Mr, Bryan.

5-00 Craig Govani. Clt AUF FEUR WANTED Willing to do other things Apply at 4fi03 Kerneway corner of Cold Spring lane, between 5 CHAUFFEUR 8 A. P. M. Saturday.

8 A. 30 P. M. Worth- more Butler 405 N.Washineton Sr CHAUFFEUR 'Coll Permanent position HOPPER-McGAW CO niAHl.KS ST AT Mttl.RF.HPV cTTau'FFEUR-PO'RT ER. No nights.

Grauel'fc Mriret. 13 Rolnnd Aie CHAUFFEURS Drive a Diamond cab Must know rlty. have good driving record and be 24 years of age or older We give you full Instructions on how to operate a ttxicah and earn good wages Apply Adams, personnel manager niBttitinrf Cih 9tt P.r..nmniiwt at-. CH AUFFEURS AfHeipers (col l. experienced In moving.

Fidelity Storage 2104 Marviar.fl. CHAUFFEURS to drive laxlcabs Mii't be over 21 and know city. GREYHOUND i-ih Hetyter'-town road. i CHAUFFEURS Must know city t-rn good pay Commission basis. Tue Isle Cab Co .4033 Relsterstowr.xoad, CUFF COOKS Colors, all around work Must be thorouit'ilv experienced: good salary, meals, niforms and vacation provided Excel' -nt opportunity for ad-vanrement Apply Levering Hull, care of JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY.

Charles a no 34tn St. No phone calls. CTlEF. assistant. In Italian-American Restaurant tor night work.

No other need apply. Pizza's Restaurant. 300 S. High after 10 A CTlEF, capable of complete charge of kitch en and menu planning for modern restaurant. Must have best references.

612 N. Ho a dS CHEF able lo take complete charge of kit. Good opportunity for ritnt person. Excellent working cond Army ui w. Bn it o.

st CHEF 1st class with reference; no nights or ounoay worn. HOPPER MrOAW A CO. cuiRt rs st a miu Turnusr RK. lor general "office work. Knowledge rr calculator helpful, but not essential 41'j-hr.

wk. Good starting stlary with opporiunitv tor anvancemenr SCHREIPKR BROTHERS ri'TAW t- 1 TONflTON STS CL'RK Yonne man for general office woric in fhipniiic and receiving oept Apply Mr. Erlanerr. A KATZ Iht CHARLFS ST CLi RK For permanent work in technical department, some high school education desired. Aoplt cts Paw Holtlte Rubber Co.

Warner As Ostend Sts. Take 17. 19 7" streer car a-ii-Hei. ior grorerv. Age ore.

f-rred Apply 915 W. North Ave. Closed Thursday. 10 COOK, 701 COOK COOK" 1701 also 1 or years able, 8 6541 Charles and Barre Sts. MACHINISTS Maintenance or construc R.

tion vacancies lor experienced men who capable or working to elosa llmitf from blue prints. Shop now working overtime. Also vacancies for TOOL and DIE MAKERS Interviewing daily Monday thru Friday. 8 A. M.

to 4 P. U. WESTERN FLECTRIC CO 2500 BROENING HIGH WAT Take No. 20 car to plant entrance MACHINISTS needed at once. Fully ouall nea in production to make own Layout and Set-Up In one of these departments MILLING RADIAL DRILL, PRESS TOOL ROOM.

Apply Employment Office. 10 tc A. 2 to 4 P. M. Monday through Friday.

CROWN CORK At SEAL CO. 1501 GUILFORD AVE. CLERK Must be active person will ing to oo oiversined work. Typing neces-sr: S-dav it. Call Tit.

7560. Ext. 137 for engineering drafting, pertain-1 ing to temperature control equipment aucatipn or ec-Jlvalent experience in heating As ventilating re quired. MINNEAPOLIS HONEYWELL Hal. 2100 ST.

PAUL ST. WTD. AT ONCE To help In Recap piant. txp. preferred but not essentia).


Ask for Mr. Coyer. (colored), to work for auto dealer. nollsninir ears Anvnneement Inp tnAit worker. NORTON MOTORS.

2034 red- ericn avenue to work in shipping; dept. Apply BUUlHtKM KNVt.Wl'G BASE MENT CAMBRIDGE PULASKI MCHfcNKY STS. TO DO CLERICAL WORK AND ROUTE FUEL OIL TRACKS. Must be able to type. Experience necessary.

Appli 901 E. Fort ave. One who can handle the office and plant detail of commercial printing plant. State age. aualificatlons and sal-ary desired Box 14362.

Sun. WANTED As watchman. Will fur nisn small home as living quarters on premises tonether with monthly salary Highlandtown Section. Write 14458. Sun to assist in warehouse drive truck a-day wk.

State past exp. Ac salary ei- pected. 15169. Sun. with warehouse exp.

In plumbing ft heating supply business. Excellent oppor tu nity. Write 144 44. Su (white), trucker, for Inside work permanent position. DANIEL MILLER 28-34 Hopkins Place.

(colored) Mechanic's helper la is rage: steady lob. 2702 Harford Rd. to work In tavern. No experience necessary. 947 W.

Baltimore St, MECHANICAL ASSEMBLERS Several openings for men with experience in iv uZ, "mV-V fs- rt I shift (4.30 P. M. to 2 A. work. Start ing rate increased recently.

Premium for night work. Other exceptional benefits such as free 11! insurance, free hospitall zation and sickness Insurance and profit-sharing plan. AdpIv Personnel Denartment DOUGHNUT CORPORATION OF AMERICA HiLULUlT CITY. MO. MECHANIC for adding machines and cal culator, i-uu or part time.

Make your own hours ABBOTT, South 0196. 21-38 years, for steady work, all I year rouno. ruoDer neei lactory SUPERVISORS. PRESS MEN MILL MEN No rubber experience necessary. Good starting rates with opportunity ror ad-1 vancerr.ent.

Anplv CATS PAW HOLTIT I RUUBtK Warner and Ostend IU I xaKe it. ia or streetcars. mfn FOR machtnr mnnnp wnRg Exnenence not nfrtutrt Gniul nniur. tunity for advancement to excellent piecework rates. Apply between 8 A.


Machine operators, foundry workers, laborers, helpers, trainees. Starting rates. 81-87 cents per hour. 100, night bonus. Automatic increases.

Apply KOPPERS CO INC. PISTON RINO DIVISION? BUSH HAMBURG STS. MEN Foundry workers, laborers, helpers; starting rate 81c. to 87c. per hour.

KOPPERS INC PISTON RING DIVISION Bush Hamburg Sts. MEN (2), white, to assist in making var nishes, s-day wees. Good starting salary ort VittTtrl.0 lerQ "0d thV w-hitf Vrn t- Pmmr sT THE HITE 3-P0 E. BIDDLE T. MEN 2 elderly men needed for pricing and Inventory work.

Permanent posi- tlon. Apply WESTERN AUIO SUPPLY 420 S. CONKLINO ST. MEN. Catholic, for outMde selling.

National publication. High rate of pay. Reference required. Apply before 10 A. M.

Room 5U4. 11 E. Lexington sr. MEN To deliver circulars. Good pay Thursday and Friday.

7 A. M. Rear. 1291 W. Barre fct.

MEN to operate threading machines. Ap-) piy Chicago Nipple Mfg. 4109 Bos-1 ton MEN handy with tools to nail window I frames. T. Dan Kolker Lumber.

21 w. Cold Spring Lane. MEN For industrial insurance work. Ex- perienced or inexperienced. Apply 330 n.

paca at. ana asg ior Mr. nary. MEN Earn a good living driving EUN CABS See Mr. Rutl y.

2S0O lss cmS MEN to distribute circulars. Apply 7.30 A. M. Thurs. TTl.

BUO E. Balto. sr. MESSENGER Mail delivery. Apply Mr.

(iipnn. I.orrt Mainmort Hotel. MESSENGER BOYS with hievrle. for im- mediate employment. Cooperative Dental I Laboratories.

12 W. Madison st. MEtal weatherstrippersTApply rear 1601 Lockwood east of Loch Raven Bivd MODEL for men's Clothing. Must be sire 3 1. No experience required.

Permanent position. u. GRFTf A- BRO INC. HOMELAND AVENUE. GOVAN'S OFFICE BOY Must have high school edu cation, unoie sportswear.

11 rayeite. 4tht floor 1 i fiV'vtSl i.caun.iuic iiiiuuii iitti iiikii vi amoitious young man will find opportu- -ity here. Oil burner experience deslr- Kt -anil train auitahi anniteant eVh.nie.l Apply 1 er so A bcgground en- GENERAL OIL BURNER CORPORATION JitJO SINCLAIR LANE PAINTER Must be lst-class interior ft exterior man. $1.35 hr. to start.

Anslj ED. 0245-J. Contracting Co PAINTERS 1st class only to work In uunaalK oardens. Apply uundaig Gardens office. Get off 26 car at Dundalk station, wain 2 bus.

east. Ask for Mr. Ayres between PAINTERS Structural steeL ion duration loos. exo. men.

Aooly J. l. HASS 149 Montgomery Jerse Ci PAINTERS 1st class. $1.40 hr. Apply 7.30 A.

116 N. Wheeler Ave. ED. 3089-R. PAPERHANGR Good white Steady A.

S. Watkins. PAPERHANGER- only. Apply 9 808 Madist PAPERHANGER 1 Apply Howard ave. Ma.

0088. PAPER HANGER 1st class. Call HA. 247SI Between 5 A- 6 9 10. PAPER HANGERS wall utriwri.

laoo Fulton Ave. LA. 3385. PERSONNFL. MANAgfr Mmt hart tin sTfe gonnel administration.

Small Industrial Plant located in Northern New Jersey Give age. education, past exp. and salary ce-sireq. pox lbM. sun.

At th LJ V11S -i v. advancemen c.ellent sharing group retirem PHARMACIST Experienced. 45-hour week mvc are exp. ioog. sun.

PIIOTOSTAT operator, some experience Baltimore Electric Blueprint 4 Z. utxington at. PINBALL. MUSIC. CONSOLE MECHANIC Experienced only.

No others. VE. 0924 PIN BOYS 16 yrs. or over. Call after 6 m.

Arcaae Bowling Alleys, North ave and Maryland ave. PliASTERER. to do small subcontract Jobs vj.ow ome improvement 214 rrnn i vr pt.actfrfWs vivTrnT av -u nantnim. wan E.iva. i ivo-j alter a r.

ri.uMnr. it iti emaa. anw r.mi. inr- inh vati.m Uci-r s. v.w.s.

fc-UIl ri. "ci' town Rd. ui t-i? na Blumbers- helpers. CaU it PORTER Clenn-ent vntint man (nr rrai won in leweiry store. Must navel Sl -91 rels- Good pay at hours.

Apply ir. ivann. jc-vy r.Ltrip ii.t a. Mutiuw.M PORTER (coloredi. settled type, to work in reiau siore.

oe neat in appearance and a willing worker. Good earnings. Mr. Luddy, Lane Bryant, Charles fnri Clav Sts. I DDTCCnt I I cawuciii-u.

Iirtuj wum year around. Must be reliable. Apply! rust, iexingion sr. PRESSER for men's and women's wearing apparel. Position permanent.

Salary I "pr weeg. Write 143H3. Sun I PRESSER Work on men clothing Ham. burger's. Baltimore and Hanover fti 1 PRESSER Steady work.

Good wages 4717 Harford rd. HA. 3209 PRESSMAN for Mlehle cylinder's with Dexter suction Pile and Crms feeders Must he capable of doing color wo-lc WESTERN NEWSPAPER CNION. 414 tt tr? rtr 3 Tr tnKuii citetiencea nn Miner joo oress preierrea. txcellent chancel for advaneernent.

Appl 2 Lombard Et. 4ta floor. f-E- 8531 orl lo41 LlBht St. I -Knife A- edge, lst-classl 10 A. A DeMnthl in ave.

I st-class: steady work I A. Moog. 2835 Woodbroogl PHARMACIST I present time we have a few posl- pen to offer In ret.atererf nhtrma. tartin salary wt offer a profit. I Plan, paid vacations, sick benefit-.

employe discounts and I ent plan Apply I I HEAU PERSONNTX. OFFICS Charles and Fayefe Sts, PHARMACIST I am leaving my position to open my own store and 1 want to get my employer a pharmacist to replace me. The hours, working condition and pay are fine. This is an excellent oo- portunlty for the right man. 14638.

Sun PHARMACIST Full and part flint. Good salary. Apply ST. PAUL PHARMACY. Paul A- 91st tttj -lata I E.

exp. tiki and 11.. Co 14 ROUTE in ROUTE SALES 45 1 I I I I I I i 11 1 I steady man I a 4 III Ti ft a vt-l I jl a a tt- vHt i taw 1" I 11 t- ttt a-a-fl. t-t tr 4 4 -a. 1 I a a.fci -sj Ml ut'f.

la a t- id sere-rts direct from factory. Car -1 ri.i2 tXls a 4 rtnflal. Wt Mt ton Wtft eU.PI 4 el frfe4 1(4 4'- im M. J. Moore.

Imperial Window ai I YOl Ns.t Van i fc i it. V. a vi ,1 lec Chrlea ra-rn'l Hnltl. I tti -a-r. It.i at i tti.ail Mlrvlsnrt.

r.r nhnnt fftummftr I ti.tet 't a it. a- a a. SALESMFN. Catholic, for "nat lonal c.uii.1,-! YutMi'UF a ttt tit i fci liiv. itu'ttt 1 i.

tion. High rat of rv. Pelertnet r- I iwi'n 12 metil iiMi a a a a a t. i 'ttt i a a. 4 a rs in f.A t-t r.

i aw ift'if I a-5 rt ItKlflfl lint I a i at.t 1. a ai 4V 1 I a a a 1 1. i-j it e-c Ha. -s-i a 1 ntf ii.l a I a (I'- K't -4 I 4) ta 4- 4 i i i i H' tnl --a i i a a a i-t a -a a. i a y.

a "''i at mi i tt i a a i .1 a a a I 4 fif I a. .,.1 a tl 11 3 'Kf 1. I a a t. t- a a i r.t-ttt t. 1 a a (-11 a.aV.

i i'- ai il lit i i it a i a a. i lit Mn t. aaJk i -i a- --a--- I ta) I I a. T. a ll -I I t- i i a i-- -i i-l i a 4 fol'Ml ITS tt "fjlf- Htint.M i 1 i I -r" AKK YOU 11 (A ll latf1",--,...., e'l I i-tst' -fil ttrftit.

l-rf I'tal 1-fst' 4itffil t'tirttit. i-rf r-oe'l "'i To4im.rrt i sr iV- TT. a. I a f-'tf A nmm Tr' I r'-a'act, -t 1 a. a SA, Mitttlnt.

1 ft- ittil. I tAn. I I I a a. mission-l ro down P.vmem.-f-t taV T. I M.

w. I ta I at1 Rati tii ".7 T-. 'i-'1 Vi rwa t- SALES REPRESENTATIVE with car til rtw l-'-tM a-t, -ai i 4,, Army officer amotions to enter sarg, wt-a t. a a tt Ivm a-Mt income brackets tn est jt hlit, rea.tor I 1i.itt rn tti in l.ti Jii i I. i i t- rail Calvert for win tfi.r eat.t,-!-.

a it I a-t- CASH A- DOOR MAN Excellent nt. vj ffyrif ,:.7. for ratable meeMnic tat IfM.I r--a i t.t44: -tra-r at a OF ALTIMOF rr'Cri 11 1. Tv- at -ei. a tlnyd 5:.

VJWIJ i I 1 4 s.f SECRETARY Good opportunity lor young I'U 't man capable of tvpine. and AHTMCR Mt'RStr hs ttc 'ftf tat Aa a. eneraloff ir work. LE. lrait4 rwattt.

a-e I 1 lit. SERVICE MANAGEH rteedi egarratt 4 1 L5f. I rt-j-wtn -tt P. t- I ''if ii a f- lit t-- -t ''j ff i 1 a i -i 'a Tltft ri prtv aa titttnuta tavtaaatv at i-tin aer: 'ir- Immi uta af etif ft i( ef-4 ea a ta vaual e-patr- it- lt iit.d a riftl ftfttiiiif f.t'tri a atto-tti at -a tf at ets icr in rtttm attia I v.f TVt fnt at -1. a ABTICVrt t'v 1 firt a ciupii rti an ertumsfi i tfcs trat-tnr a ftta i at tea eir.tfit t.

attar it-t trt-1 f- art ir irt. i-a r-ti yt orrer ton a ga-tff-trt- i at-s a ncel'tnl fuftift a. at-lt ait ea tt'irtnifni pal and itrc-tt K.t..i audit Re 4n prnOvxn. C-fTC ft a -St I a t. T- 1.

atterai ir esratrttnettl in ltrfwT ft arse -t ctepttrt-t Aruntl nt; Yor tnmtf UI--A1'1D WT J' I At. t.t we-g. He. Ntux. Ita.a.

ff'e If-t ttftrtfit ri I EXOUJVT -if It ins ti nttn ar4 r'of wifh a ft atrt- tural itttl ertnrt. iwr. I toni snaatrt" ea r.t i.t.-!!, petmanerl tri an in a. ttinf, w.o'to il teuil Pit-t fi- i. l'it a eir-etin- wKIP! rt-t- pnoia aea rt r-t rtX 1 tr -a at f---y i .4 ti esi.ti ut iiil K-e lo hoi Tim or ia a- rta'or In Fan 1'i' ori l- tiu rflt A- y--t ut at a.

a Wntt rt'l tt IPvf ti T' A A ivvrx ft- .1 -j-f. FkOOMt'-t t' si -i; tvt, i j-a it Ir you ai a uttnB. -1 t. ard ta el as a a.

m-ti-ifi- att i a et'a P'Pl skv- fio-i a lata ftiiwiil no-. tf.tti.i ta am at -i i IU i I 1 i let I i a a a i I a'" ,1 m.J-- a a. av.a,. a i 'I aa-. Wi -ft -1 a-a ttH-ttt.

ta. -1 0 a i ft fc. a .1 I a. Clt 143 f. i a it-w tlSMttfr.

The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.